The most effective drugs in the treatment of prostatitis

Now inflammation of the prostate refers to various diseases, so the treatment of prostatitis and most effective medications must be prescribed by a doctor-urologist.


What could be prostatitis

In different cases will be selected individually the best cure for prostatitis which will depend not only on the presence of bacteria, but also from the way a person eats and rests. To stop pain and soothe inflammation in the body, it is necessary to take a long time and strictly according to instructions. Effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis in the chronic and acute form can regularly apply a set of treatment measures, in parallel, taking drugs or traditional medicine. The course of treatment selected by the urologist at the first signs of illness, but alone it cannot be done, because the medication from BPH will be useless for inflammation of the prostate gland. The doctor must accurately and truthfully describe all the symptoms of prostatitis in men that were seen. These include:

  • pain during urination;
  • the urge to void, which occurs at least two to four times per night;
  • the emergence of the shoot and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or in the perineum;
  • the occurrence of chronic pain in the phallus, scrotum and anus;
  • the dysfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • cloudy urine, due to the emergence of impurities;
  • the appearance of pain when urinating;
  • the appearance of whitish discharge, especially in the morning hours;
  • the rapid increase in body temperature.

Access to specialists is necessary because signs of inflammation of the prostate gland a lot of things similar to some disease of the genitourinary system, prostate cancer, prostate adenoma, cystitis.

What drug is used to treat prostatitis

Before determine the most effective cure prostatitis, the doctor will examine the patient and make an accurate diagnosis based on tests and ultrasound. Today was the world's ranking of the most effective medicines which not only prevent pain but reduce inflammation. Scientists say that the world has not yet been invented a remedy that completely cures prostatitis, as these should be taken in combination with other drugs. Having examined the patient and listened to his complaints, experts prescribe those drugs that are appropriate for him. Almost all medications for treatment of prostatitis are divided into groups such as:

  • candles, acute inflammation of prostate gland and improve metabolism;
  • injections;
  • funds non-steroidal anti-inflammatory types;
  • cure chronic prostatitis is that the urologist enters directly into the prostate;
  • mikroklizm that are still edge product because it does not belong to traditional or folk medicine;
  • drugs antibacterial action tablets;
  • blockers of class alpha.

Effective treatment of prostatitis depends on correct treatment, because the drugs are selected strictly individually. Patients should understand that to date there is no perfect regimen that will suit everyone. Best male Supplements to increase potency an Ideal remedy for inflamed prostate will that which is appointed by urologist specific patient, taking into account specific features of the organism and the disease, the presence of allergic reactions to particular current component.

Antibiotics in the treatment of prostatitis

While it is unclear what will help with the inflammation of the prostate gland any shape, but should choose it depending on the characteristics of the disease. Sometimes a urologist may prescribe the antibiotic penicillin or tetracycline when this is justified by medical indications. Try to find effective medicines from prostatitis, which have a wide range of actions, because they quickly kill not one, but several types of microbes. The characteristics of the organism will be prescribed antibiotic in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories. They can easily numb the pain and exert anti-inflammatory effects patients. In some cases, can prescribe injectable drugs that can even better organize the work of the heart, blood vessels and immune system.

Additional drugs for prostatitis

Sometimes urologists can prescribe effective remedies for the treatment of prostatitis an additional plan. When blood circulation often use quality products that remove stagnant blood from the body and restore circulation. Often in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland the best used drugs that reduce elevated pressure on the pelvic organs, and significantly lower Intrusive pain. They can relax prolonged muscle tone in the perineum. Drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland are complexes of vitamins and herbal remedies. Perfect natural products are based on complex extracts from plants, their composition includes pumpkin seeds, creeping palm tree. These drugs in combination with a properly chosen vitamins:

  • reduce swelling of the prostate;
  • stagnant blood withdrawn from the glands;
  • establishing physiological outflow of fluid type;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases the protective functions of man.

You can enter in the course of treatment drugs hormonal plan, which reduce the synthesis of male sex hormone and reduces the degree of spread of the prostate tissue. If the patient is too close to the heart receives its state, then it is possible to add a sedative drug. They are inexpensive, but effectively lowers the level of depression and anxiety, reduces sexual dysfunction and increases male libido.

The best medicine for prostatitis

It is impossible to choose the best remedy against diseases of the prostate, since its effectiveness will depend on the shape of the pathogen. The drug, which is aimed at halting the reproduction of bacteria, will be absolutely useless if the inflammation was initiated by the parasites. The most acceptable to date drugs against prostatitis can be called group of drugs, which are an extract from prostate of cattle, which can effectively reduce tissue swelling and the gland itself, they help to normalize the General condition of the pelvic organs, effectively reduce the amount of leukocytes in the gland secretion. Medication from this group has the ability to regulate the urinary and reproductive system, its natural components significantly increases male libido, normalizes the flow of urine and prostate secretion (it is not a high price). There is also a tool, which is available pumpkin seed oil is able to quickly reduce the level of lipids, increases sexuality and reproductive function, the pill reduces even bouts of severe pain and increase the angle of erection; the effect will be noticeable if you drink the drug courses, making between them a break.

The best tool is the one that gets to the consumers in the form of rectal suppositories and tablets that are equally convenient to use and manufactured based on the brand of powder; this drug quickly and efficiently reduces swelling of the prostate gland and reduces inflammation, improves the quality of the semen and reduces the formation of platelets; happy those who have found prostatitis, treatment with pills that have to drink in small courses or just once a day to insert into the anus in melted form (the cost of the drug attains one or a few thousand, depending on the choice of the pharmacy). Another quality, effective, and one of the best drugs at the moment, according to domestic rankings, as it is able to regulate the overall status and the number of the DOG, will not increase the risk of cancer in the patient. Definitely need to combine supplementation with a complex of vitamins and plant oils, especially pumpkin.

Secrets of effective treatment of inflammation of the prostate

It is not necessary to self-medicate, because people do not know the characteristics of the disease and the body's own and could easily hurt yourself, adding to the underlying disease a lot of related. Do not be afraid of the urologist, because he will not shame the patient for the promiscuous, and examine it and try to alleviate the condition. It is best to immediately treat spicy disease to the bitter end, than to suffer with the disease in the chronic form. It is worth remembering that the risk group is often those young and older people who:

  • faced with severe physical conditions;
  • are in a constant state of stress;
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • smoke, drink alcohol and narcotic drugs;
  • love bold, spicy food;
  • diet includes only low-calorie foods.

In addition to traditional treatment with drugs, which are included in the ranking of the most effective remedies for prostatitis, a man will be appointed physiotherapy and supportive therapy. In an independent manner admits taking the drugs, which include extracts from plants or of animal organs. Often these drugs are not relevant to the drug and represent a vitamins, dietary supplements, or herbal teas. If adopted correctly, they will not be able to damage the male body, excluding the consequences from a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. The perfect herbal remedies and dietary supplements are these drugs. Red root – dietary Supplement that contains a large number of useful components, and grass Hedysarum tea allows you to adjust the circulation and the removal of lymphatic fluid from the prostate gland, it is a quality pill that enhance male libido, potency, erectilnuyu function and the duration of sexual intercourse. BAD quality based on vegetable raw materials, including the Lycium, ginseng, Albania. This drug, which can significantly increase the potency and to improve blood circulation in the prostate gland due to plant complex, dodder and ginseng significantly increases libido.

Significantly improve the patient's condition is real, if to adjust the power of the patient, because some products can cause more harm to the body and to significantly reduce the effect of the designated drug. On the menu of every boy, boys, men and grandfathers must necessarily appear some vegetable oil, and better if it is olive or sunflower refined oil. Should be added to the daily diet, eggs and dairy products, lean beef and vegetables, pumpkin seeds, and dried fruit. How to do at home, massage of the prostate. Should not eat too much oily and spicy food, eat at dubious eateries and abuse the mayonnaise. Strictly prohibited for men are fizzy drinks and sweets with fat cream. The process of treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland is quite long and difficult, but it can be accelerated, taking only the pills prescribed by the doctor and adding to them the vitamin. Should begin to lead an active lifestyle or just walk after work, walk on your floor or squat a few times in between chores, to enhance the blood flow to the pelvic organs. Prevention to the inflammatory process will also massage the perineum with a towel after morning shower. Experts advise to support the treatment of large volumes of fresh water drunk between meals.